Forecasts for
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Precipitation Forecast for
Target Date Issue Date

Probability of Exceedance

Probability Distribution

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Forecast Verification

Flexible Presentation of Seasonal Rainfall Forecast

Precipitation Seasonal Forecasts.

This Maproom shows the seasonal rainfall forecast in different fashion.

The default map shows, for the latest forecast made, the more likely seasonal rainfall total amount in the season. Users can use the Field menu to express the forecast in different ways, as follows:

The Layers button, showing when mousing over the map, will reveal in/active layers on the map. The Skill map is inactive by default and can be activated here, to be overlaid over the forecast map.

Clicking on the map will reveal information about the location clicked, as well as the full forecast distribution at that given location, compared with the historical distribution. Cumulative full distribution of the forecast (red) together with the climatological distribution (blue and black) for the forecast in view on the map shows under Probability of Exceedance, as well as the full probability distribution under Probability Distribution. If the Skill Layer is activated, a 3rd graph will show to present the comparison of hindcast performance versus actually observed seasonal total rainfall.

Dataset Documentation

Precipitation predictand:Seasonally averaged over 0.25 spatial resolution, precipitation in Madagascar from DGM ENACTS.

Helpdesks and Feedback

Contact DGM with any technical questions or problems with this Maproom.