Climate and Agriculture

The variability of seasonal precipitation, and the sub-seasonal statistics of these, play a key role in the quality and quantity of agricultural output.

This Maproom includes maps and analyses of seasonal statistics of historical precipitation and seasonal precipitation forecasts

Historical Climate Information
The Maproom explores historical daily precipitation by calculating simple seasonal statistics.
The maproom explores historical rainy season onset and cessation dates based on user-defined definitions. The date when the rainy season starts is critical to agriculture planification, in particular for planting.
The maproom explores historical rainy season length and total rainfall amount based on user-defined definition of onset and cessation. The date when the rainy season starts is critical to agriculture planification, in particular for planting.
Historical Agricultural Information
The maproom explores historical daily water balance during the NDJF Maize IRAT 200 season by calculating simple seasonal statistics.
The Maproom explores historical daily water balance during the NDJF Rainfed Rice B22 season by calculating simple seasonal statistics.
The Maproom explores historical daily water balance during the ONDJF Rainfed Lowlands Rice X265 season by calculating simple seasonal statistics.
Climate Forecast
Maize IRAT200 Water Requirement Satisfaction Index Forecasts in November-February season.
Rainfed Rice B22 Water Requirement Satisfaction Index Forecasts in November-February season.
Rainfed Lowlands Rice X265 Water Requirement Satisfaction Index Forecasts in September-February season.