Variable Grids

Error 404Bad Request

Error 404: Bad Request

Error line: 80 anhtmlserverefize 64000000 def Error on line 0 of stdin: in forall, first arg must be array
kc { wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo doauthorize sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } if mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified /filename FORMgetknownnotnull { (Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=") print print (" ) print } if ( ) print flush false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! method /HEAD eq { stop } if } if pop }
kc { (_) search { print pop ( ) print printno_ } { print } ifelse }
kc CaseListpops1
kc { PNM 5 1 roll autovector pop DoTasks }
kc { WWWinfo .leftmenuinfo? { leftmenutoplevel 0 get leftmenulevel 0 get ge { (?) exch { 3 -1 roll print (&) 3 1 roll exch cvntos print (=) print dup type /stringtype ne { s== } if urlprint } forall pop } { pop } ifelse } { leftmenutoplevel 0 get leftmenulevel 0 get ge { WWWinfo url-q length url length ne { (?) print url url-q length 1 add url length 1 index sub getinterval urlprint } if pop } if } ifelse }
kc { (plaincolorpage) htmlprint }
kc { PS2 showcolors pop }
kc { /leftmenuinfotop? true def }
kc { (+) search { interp pop urlinterp } { interp } ifelse }
kc { false /donttrust Ingrid: ! false /ObeyRestrictions? Ingrid: ! true /LDEOurl? Ingrid: ! }
kc { JPG 4 1 roll colorscale pop DoTasks }
kc { (Digest) search { pop pop null 5 object exch null { deleteleadingspaces (=) search { nip exch dup 0 1 getinterval (") eq { deletefirstchar (") search { nip } if exch deletefirstchar exch } { (,) search { nip } { (øaKXøaKX) exch } ifelse } ifelse 3 2 roll exch def } { pop leave } ifelse } repeat true } { pop false WWWinfo /digesterrorcode 10 put } ifelse }
kc { leftmenulevel 0 2 copy get 1 add put leftmenuinfotop? { leftmenutoplevel 0 leftmenulevel 0 get put } if leftmenusub? { dataset null ne { dataset leftmenu0 } if } if true /printheader? HTMLwords ! printheader? not { leftmenusubtrail } if pop leftmenulevel 0 2 copy get 1 sub put }
kc { mimetypes WWWinfo .mimesuffix get }
kc CaseList /datasettype { dup pushdataset dup makesortednamelist { 2 copy get variablemenucase 1 index totype get exec dropitem } forall popdataset } def /arraytype { dup xcheck { nip exec name exch variablemenucase 1 index totype get exec } if } def /pendingdatasettype { dup xcheck { nip exec name exch variablemenucase 1 index totype get exec } if } def /streamtype { chunksize nchunk mul 1 gt datatype /stringtype eq bufferwordsize 1 gt and not and { datasetcount 0 gt { [ datasetstack 0 datasetcount getinterval { .name cvntos ( .) } forall name cvntos ] concat } { name cvntos } ifelse dup variable eq { (<option selected>) } { (<option>) } ifelse print print (</option> ) print } if } def
kc { (<form method="post" action=") print WWWinfo URLrootprint pop (/fullcommand.html"><tr><td colspan="4" rowspan="2"><textarea name="command" rows=") print cmdlines 1 add ==ns (" cols="50" wrap="soft">) print prcmdlist (</textarea></td> <td><input type="submit" value="ok" /></td></tr><tr><td><input type="reset" value="reset" /></td></tr></form> ) print }
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <tr align="top"><td><em>) print (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=") print dup cvpops ==nsurl dup cvntos 2 index (/") print datasetonMouseOver (>) print pop 2 index /long_name known { pop long_name cvntos } { dup dup length dup 4 gt { 4 sub 4 getinterval dup (.cdf) eq exch (.cuf) eq or } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 4 sub getinterval cvn } if } ifelse htmlformulaprint htmlpathpush (</a></em>) print RestrictMetaData? { ( <font color="green">(restricted)</font>) print } if (</td><td>) print dup /description getknown { dup type /arraytype eq { ( ) print { print } forall } { ( ) print print (.) print } ifelse } { dup nice== } ifelse pop htmlpathpop (<br /></td></tr> ) print }
kc (
kc { (plaincontourpage) htmlprint }
kc { pop pop }
kc { wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo doauthorize sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse } if mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified /filename FORMgetknownnotnull { (Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=") print print (" ) print } if flush } if pop }
kc { PS2 6 1 roll vectoramplitude pop DoTasks }
kc { boundingbox tojpg }
kc { PNM 4 1 roll plaincolor pop DoTasks }
kc { PNM 6 1 roll vectoramplitude pop DoTasks }
kc { (portaldlscript) htmlprint }
kc { 0 sortednames { currentobject exch get totype /gridtype eq { 1 add } if } forall 2 ge { (<a href="figviewer.html?plottype=colors) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Interactive Data Viewer: color plot';return true"><img src="/icons/pcolor.gif" width="100" height="25" border="1") print (display data as colors) printimagetitle ( /></a> ) print (<a href="figviewer.html?plottype=contours) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Interactive Data Viewer: contour plot';return true"><img src="/icons/pcontour.gif" width="100" height="25" border="1") print (display data as contours) printimagetitle ( /></a> ) print } if false sortednames { currentobject exch get dup totype /gridtype eq { .gridtype 2 ne or } { pop } ifelse } forall { (<a href="figviewer.html?plottype=line) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Interactive Data Viewer: line plot';return true"><img src="/icons/line.gif" width="100" height="25" border="1") print (display data as line) printimagetitle ( /></a>) print } if }
kc { showmenu? { leftmenuhead null 1 index leftmenu0 pop leftmenutrailer } if }
kc { currentreadfilename cvntos dup length 5 gt { dup length 5 sub 5 getinterval (.html) eq } { pop false } ifelse }
kc { 1066077372 set_code_last_modified optionalREORDER toreal streamrescaleonlyifnecessary chunksize npts 4 mul nchunk 8 mul add mimeheaderwithlength datas4 DoTasks }
kc { GIF 4 1 roll plaincontour pop DoTasks }
kc { leftmenulevel 0 2 copy get 1 add put currentobject /leftmenuinfotop? getknown not { false } if { leftmenutoplevel 0 leftmenulevel 0 get put } if leftmenusub? { dataset null ne { dataset leftmenu0 } if } if true /printheader? HTMLwords ! mark 1 index DATASETbot ==noprintdataset { pop } forsome counttomark namearray astore nip namesort { 2 copy get leftmenucase caseexec pop pop } forall printheader? not { leftmenusubtrail } if pop leftmenulevel 0 2 copy get 1 sub put }
kc { true exch 3 index dup 0 get exch 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { 2 index get 1 index 3 index get eq not { 3 -1 roll pop false 3 1 roll } if } forall pop exch { 2 copy gt { 1 add countcommonbeginning0 } { 1 add } ifelse } if }
kc { countstack 2 sub array astore dup { dup totype /streamtype eq { decompress } if } forall countstack 3 sub array astore null 11 object 1 index { dup totype /streamtype eq { .streamgridarray { name exch def } forall } { pop } ifelse } forall (<table><tr align="center"><td> </td>) print mark exch { pop } forall counttomark namearray astore nip namesort 1 index dup length 1 sub get 1 index { (<td>) print cvntos print (</td>) print } forall (</tr>) print 0 1 4 index length 1 sub { (<tr align="center"><td align="left">) print 3 index length 1 sub 1 index sub dup 0 eq { (<img src="/icons/2push.gif" width="21" height="21" />) print } { (<img src="/icons/1push.gif" width="21" height="21" />) print } ifelse htmlpathpush 3 index exch get dup totype dup /streamtype eq exch /gridtype eq or { dup == (</td>) print 2 index { (<th>) print comparethegrid { print } if pop (</th>) print } forall } { dup == (</td>) print } ifelse (</tr> ) print pop htmlpathpop } for pop pop pop aload pop (</table> ) print }
kc { nptgrids { (<A href=") print name ==ns (+null+) print 1 index print (.gif">) print name ==ns (</a>[) print 2 index 1 index 1 REORDER .nchunk ==ns (] ) print pop } forall pop }
kc { PICT 6 1 roll vectoramplitudecolor pop DoTasks }
kc { (vectorcolortogapage) htmlprint }
kc 0 5 object /formaction { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved content-type: text/html ) print (Location: ) print command toproc dup procasurl ( ) print (<a href=") print procasurl (/">OK</a> ) print } def
kc { boundingbox topict }
kc { GIF 6 1 roll vectorcontour pop DoTasks }
kc { (parent) htmlpathpush }
kc { PSmode true store ifpream pop }
kc { JPG exch newaxis pop }
kc { wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo doauthorizedata sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } if mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified /filename FORMgetknownnotnull { (Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=") print print (" ) print } if ( ) print flush false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! method /HEAD eq { stop } if } if pop }
kc { boundingbox topict }
kc { /expires WWWinfo ! /last_modified WWWinfo ! WWWinfo doauthorizedata sendmimeheader { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { PS2 4 1 roll plaincontour pop DoTasks }
kc { JPG 6 1 roll vectorcolor pop DoTasks }
kc { (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=") print html:level 0 eq { (+) print } { html:paths dup 0 get 0 eq { 1 } { 0 } ifelse 2 copy get htmlpathtypes 1 index type get exec 1 add html:level 1 index sub getinterval { (/) print htmlpathtypes 1 index type get exec } forall } ifelse (">) print }
kc { FORMget null ne }
kc { /r8 /mimesuffix WWWinfo ! optionalREORDER streamrescale todouble chunksize npts 8 mul mimeheaderwithlength datar8 DoTasks }
kc { nptgrids dup { 2 copy ne { (<A href=") print 1 index .name ==ns (+) print name ==ns (+) print 2 index print (.gif">) print 1 index .name ==ns ( ) print name ==ns (</a>[) print 3 index 2 index 2 index 2 REORDER .nchunk ==ns (] ) print } if pop pop } forall2 pop }
kc 0 5 object /formaction { ( ) print == } def
kc { /i2 /mimesuffix WWWinfo ! optionalREORDER toi2 chunksize npts 2 mul mimeheaderwithlength datai2 DoTasks }
kc { skipcache? { exec } { flush pushstdout URLrootprint (/) print 2 index dataseturl (/skipcache/) print 1 index cvpops ==ns (/dods) print flush popgetstdout DATASET 5 object exch { continuedataset: :datasetnostore } readdods0 2 index cvpops exec 5 object /dataset 4 index def /myprocds 2 index def /myproc { } cvlit def nip } ifelse }
kc { 1 index /responseobject WWWinfo ! currentobject /algorithm getknown { (md5-sess) eq } { false } ifelse { hex2string MD5_Init exch MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update nonce MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update cnonce MD5_Update MD5_Final string2hex } if MD5_Init exch MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update nonce MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update currentobject /qop getknown { length 0 gt } { false } ifelse { nc MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update cnonce MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update qop MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update } if MD5_Init WWWinfo .method MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update uri MD5_Update MD5_Final string2hex MD5_Update MD5_Final string2hex }
kc { (WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=") print DigestAuthorization-realm print (", qop="auth", nonce=") print Digest-nonce print (", opaque=") print Digest-opaque print (" ) print WWWinfo /digesterrorcode getknownnotnull { 6 eq { (stale="true" ) print } if } if }
kc { boundingbox tojpg }
kc { mark WWWinfo .currenturldir urls== (/) /args FORMget interp { FORMget lpar exch urls== rpar (/) } forall /function FORMget (/) ] concat redirectto }
kc { (plainvectorpage) htmlprint }
kc { === }
kc { PS2 4 1 roll autocontour pop DoTasks }
kc { GIF 6 1 roll vectoramplitudecolor pop DoTasks }
kc { PICT showcolors pop }
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <tr ) print npts 1 eq ndim 1 eq { datatype /stringtype eq bufferwordsize 1 eq and currentobject /CLIST known not and unitless? and or } if { (class="valid" ) print } if (valign="top"><td><em>) print (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=") print dup cvpops ==nsurl dup cvntos 2 index (/") print datasetonMouseOver (>) print pop 2 index /long_name known { pop long_name } { dup dup length dup 4 gt { 4 sub 4 getinterval dup (.cdf) eq exch (.cuf) eq or } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 4 sub getinterval cvn } if } ifelse htmlformulaprint htmlpathpush (</a></em>) print RestrictMetaData? { ( <font color="green">(restricted)</font>) print } if (</td><td>) print npts 1 eq ndim 1 eq { datatype /stringtype eq bufferwordsize 1 eq and currentobject /CLIST known not and unitless? and or } if { (<span class="iridl:hasDependentVariables.) print name cvntos print (.iridl:value"></span>) print pop } { nice== } ifelse htmlpathpop (<br /></td></tr> ) print }
kc [ (#FEFEFF) (#EEEEEE) (#E7E7E7) (#DEDEDE) (#D7D7D7) (#CECECE) (#C7C7C7) (#BEBEBE) (#B7B7B7) (#AAAAAA) (#999999) (#888888) (#777777) ]
kc { allparentlinkcount 0 get ( cnt=) print dup == allparentbgcolors length lt { ( bgcolor=") print allparentbgcolors allparentlinkcount 0 get get print (") print } if }
kc null
kc { boundingboxc tojpg }
kc { JPG 5 1 roll plainvector pop DoTasks }
kc { JPG showcolors pop }
kc { expert? { (experthome) htmlprint } { (/SOURCES/) redirectto } ifelse }
kc { false currentobject /myproc known { currentobject /myprocds getknown { nip type /arraytype eq { true } { currentobject dataset exch .myprocds .dataset ne } ifelse } if } if }
kc { dup type /objecttype eq { dup /myproc known { dup /myprocds getknown { type /arraytype eq { true } { dup dataset exch .myprocds .dataset eq not } ifelse } { false } ifelse } { false } ifelse } { false } ifelse }
kc { (HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily content-type: text/html ) print (Cache-Control: no-cache ) print (Location: ) print dup type /stringtype eq { dup print ( <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print print } { dup htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/ <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/) print } ifelse (">here</a>. </body> </html> ) print false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! }
kc { (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=") print html:level 0 eq { (+) print } { html:paths dup 0 get 0 eq { 1 } { 0 } ifelse html:level 1 index sub getinterval { htmlpathtypes 1 index type get exec (/) print } forall } ifelse (">) print }
kc 0 5 object
kc { pop MD5Users 1 index getknown { exch ValidUsers exch cvn known { 0 } { 2 } ifelse } { pop 0 1 } ifelse }
kc { PS2 4 1 roll colorscale pop DoTasks }
kc { boundingboxc togif }
kc CaseListpops1 /datasettype { follow } def /arraytype { [ exch { [ exch follow counttomark array rastore nip } forall ] countcommonbeginning dup 0 gt { 2 copy exch 0 get exch 0 exch getinterval 3 1 roll mark 3 1 roll exch { 1 index 1 index length 1 index sub getinterval exch } forall pop ] mark 3 1 roll exch aload length 1 add -1 roll ] aload rastore aload pop } { pop } ifelse cvx } def /streamtype { follow } def
kc { 1066077372 set_code_last_modified optionalREORDER toreal streamrescaleonlyifnecessary swapbytes chunksize npts 4 mul mimeheaderwithlength datar4 DoTasks }
kc { PS2 4 1 roll plaincolorwithscale pop DoTasks }
kc { (<td) print setallparentbgcolor (>) print allparentlinks0a (</td> ) print }
kc { dup /long_name known { long_name } { cleanname } ifelse htmlformulaprint (</a>) print dup /myprocds getknownnotnull { (</b> <a href="/) print dataseturl dup (/" OnMouseOver="self.status=') print myproc length 0 eq { (Source of ) print } { (Calculation for ) print } ifelse printdescriptionno' ('; return true">) print (*</a>) print pop } if datasetlocmap? { ( <font color="green">[map]</font>) print } if }
kc { WWWinfo /If-Modified-Since known { last_modified null ne { WWWinfo .If-Modified-Since stringtotime last_modified code_last_modified imax current_last_modified null ne { current_last_modified imax } if ge { (HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified ) print /HEAD /method WWWinfo ! false } { true } ifelse } { true } ifelse } { true } ifelse }
kc { wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo doauthorizedata sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse } if mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified /filename FORMgetknownnotnull { (Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=") print print (" ) print } if flush } if pop }
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <DT><em>) print dup cvntos print htmlpathpush (</em><DD>) print 2 index /units eq { htmlunitsprint } { dup type /arraytype eq { leftlineshtml } { nice== } ifelse } ifelse htmlpathpop }
kc 0
kc { RESTRICTIONSprint? pop }
kc { skipcache? { exec } { flush pushstdout URLrootprint (/) print 2 index dataseturl (/skipcache/) print 1 index cvpops ==ns (/dods) print flush popgetstdout DATASET 5 object exch { continuedataset: :datasetnostore } readdods0 5 object /dataset 4 index def /myprocds 2 index def /myproc { } cvlit def nip } ifelse }
kc { checkpassword { ValidUsers exch cvn known } { false } ifelse }
kc { nptgrids dup { 2 copy ne { (<a href=") print 1 index .name ==ns (+) print name ==ns (+) print 2 index print (.ps">) print 1 index .name ==ns ( ) print name ==ns (</a>[) print 3 index 2 index 2 index 2 REORDER .nchunk ==ns (] ) print } if pop pop } forall2 pop }
kc { (&) search { (=) search { cvn nip exch urlunescape nullify pdefappend } { cvn true def } ifelse pop parseurlvarsunescape } { dup length 0 gt { (=) search { cvn nip exch urlunescape nullify pdefappend } { cvn true def } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { /arcinfo /mimesuffix WWWinfo ! optionalREORDER pushstdout 2 RECHUNK chunk pop nip high low RANGE chunk pop pop low high RANGE chunk pop exch .npts (ncols) print == ( ) print .npts (nrows) print == ( ) print chunk pop exch .first (xllcenter) print == ( ) print .last (yllcenter) print == ( ) print chunk pop pop .step (cellsize) print == ( ) print getmissing_value array? nip { toNaN } if getmissing_value NaN eq { -9999 setmissing_value } if getmissing_value null ne { getmissing_value getscale_factor dup 1.0 eq { pop } { mul } ifelse getadd_offset dup 0.0 eq { pop } { add } ifelse (NODATA_value) print == ( ) print } if flush popstdout pop mimeheader printstdout }
kc { 1066077372 set_code_last_modified optionalREORDER toreal streamrescaleonlyifnecessary swapbytes chunksize npts 4 mul nchunk 8 mul add mimeheaderwithlength swapdatas4 DoTasks }
kc { legalclientcheck getneedauthorization { true /authorization? WWWinfo ! httpauthenticate } if }
kc { JPG 6 1 roll vectorcontour pop DoTasks }
kc { dup type /arraytype eq { (<table border="2" bgcolor="#FEFEFE"><tr align="center">) print dup length 8 gt { (<td bgcolor=) print allparentbgcolors 8 get print (>...</td>) print dup length 8 sub 8 getinterval } if dup length 0 eq { (<td) print setallparentbgcolor (> </td>) print } if { render2 } forall (</tr></table>) print } { allparentlinks0a } ifelse }
kc { directoryredirect mimeheader }
kc { WWWinfo exch /content-length exch def sendmimeheader { content-length null ne { (Content-Length: ) print content-length ==ns ( ) print } if } if pop }
kc { WWWinfo exch /map FORMgetknown { dup /X getknown { plotfirst readunits exch plotlast readunits nip 3 -1 roll dup /Y getknown { plotfirst readunits exch plotlast readunits nip 3 -1 roll pop 4 1 roll exch 4 -1 roll georect .iridl:geoId /bbox FORM! } { pop pop pop } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } if /bbox FORMgetknown { (?bbox=) exch 3array astore concat } if nip redirectto }
kc { GIF 6 1 roll vectoramplitude pop DoTasks }
kc { [ nptgrids { units /degree_east eq units /degree_north eq or { pop } if } forall ] }
kc [ null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null ]
kc { PICT 4 1 roll plaincontour pop DoTasks }
kc { JPG 4 1 roll plaincolor pop DoTasks }
kc { PNM 4 1 roll colorscale pop DoTasks }
kc { PNM 5 1 roll plainvector pop DoTasks }
kc { decompress nptgridsREORDER toNaN nptgrids aload length 1 add dup 4 le { gtable.tsv } { table.tsv } ifelse }
kc ( )
kc { legalclientcheck getneedauthorizationdata { true /authorization? WWWinfo ! httpauthenticate } if }
kc { useDLAuthAuthentication? { DLAuthAuthenticationOK? } { false } ifelse { true } { WWWinfo /Authorization known { WWWinfo .Authorization useDigestAuthentication? { DigestAuthenticationOK? } { BasicAuthenticationOK? } ifelse } { false } ifelse } ifelse { false /ObeyRestrictions? Ingrid: ! } { (HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized ) print (Cache-Control: public ) print (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * ) print (Vary: Authorization ) print useDigestAuthentication? { DigestAuthenticationChallenge } { BasicAuthenticationChallenge } ifelse (Content-Type: text/html ) print (<html><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1> ) print WWWinfo /Authorization known { (Authorization failed for this dataset. ) print WWWinfo /digesterrorcode getknownnotnull { (error code ) print dup == (: ) print DigestErrorCodes exch getknown { print } if } if } { (User/password is required. ) print } ifelse (</body></html> ) print flush stop } ifelse }
kc { oneline .ps }
kc { exch 3 -1 roll MD5_Init exch MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update exch MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update exch MD5_Update MD5_Final string2hex }
kc { (vectorcolorpage) htmlprint }
kc { (contourpage) htmlprint }
kc { JPG 4 1 roll autocontour pop DoTasks }
kc { (<form method="post" action="/fullcommand.html"><tr><td rowspan="3"><textarea name="command" rows=") print cmdlines 1 add ==ns (" cols="50" wrap="soft">) print prcmdlist (</textarea></td> <td><input type="submit" value="OK" /></td></tr><tr><td><input type="reset" value="reset" /></td></tr><tr><td><a href="?help+streamhelp">Help<a></td></tr></FORM> ) print }
kc { dup 5 object decompress datatype /geometrytype eq { (<li><a href="1/ds/figviewer.html?map.url=a-+.SOURCES+.WORLDBATH+.bath+-1+min+-a-+) print name cvn cvpops ==nsurl (+-a+X+Y+fig:+white+mask+blue+) print dup /OpenGISSimpleFeature getknown { cvn /MULTIPOLYGON eq { (fill) print } { (stroke) print } ifelse } { (stroke) print } ifelse (+black+countries+:fig) print (" rel="nofollow"><img src="/icons/fill.gif" width="100" height="25" border="1" alt="display shapes" /> display shapes</a></li> ) print } { nptgrids length 0 gt { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print nptgrids length 2 ge { getX? { dup totype /gridtype eq { .npts 1 gt } { pop false } ifelse } { false } ifelse { 1 index .getY? { dup totype /gridtype eq { .npts 1 gt } { pop false } ifelse } { false } ifelse } { false } ifelse { getX? pop .name cvntos print (+) print getY? pop .name cvntos print PLOTCOAST 1 eq { (+fig-+colors+land+-fig) print } { (+fig-+colors+-fig) print } ifelse } { nptgrids 0 get .name ==ns (+) print nptgrids 1 get .name ==ns (+fig-+colors+-fig) print } ifelse } { nptgrids length 1 eq 1.0 nptgrids { .npts mul } forall 10000 lt or { nptgrids false 1 index { .name /T eq or } forall { pop (T) } { 0 get .name cvntos } ifelse print (+fig-+line+-fig) print } if } ifelse expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='New Interactive Data Viewer';return true" rel="nofollow"><img src="/icons/new.gif" width="31" height="12" border="0") print (new data viewer) printimagetitle ( />Views</a></li> ) print } if nptgrids length 2 ge { datatype /stringtype eq currentobject /band known and { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print nptgrids 0 get .name ==ns (+) print nptgrids 1 get .name ==ns (+fig-+rgbcolor+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='show image data as RGB color';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/rgbcolor.gif") print (show image data as RGB color) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> RGB color</a></li> ) print } if (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print nptgrids 0 get .name ==ns (+) print nptgrids 1 get .name ==ns (+fig-+colors+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='show data as colors';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/pcolor.gif") print (show data as colors) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> data as colors</a></li> ) print (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print nptgrids 0 get .name ==ns (+) print nptgrids 1 get .name ==ns (+fig-+contours+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='show data as contours';return true" rel="nofollow"><img src="/icons/pcontour.gif") print (show data as contours) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> data as contours</a></li> ) print } if getX? { dup totype /gridtype eq { npts exch /isSophisticatedBy getknown { .npts mul } if 1 gt } { pop false } ifelse { getY? { dup totype /gridtype eq { npts exch /isSophisticatedBy getknown { .npts mul } if 1 gt } { pop false } ifelse { [ getX? pop .name cvntos (+) 3 index .getY? pop .name cvntos ] concat (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print dup print (+fig-+colors+land+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='colors with land';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/color.gif") print (colors with land) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> colors with land</a></li> ) print (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print dup print (+fig-+contours+land+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='contours with land';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/contour.gif") print (contours with land) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> contours with land</a></li> ) print (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print dup print PGSQL? (+fig-+colors+coasts+lakes+-fig) (+fig-+colors+coasts+-fig) ifelse print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='colors with coasts';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/colorcoasts.gif") print (colors with coasts) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> colors with coasts</a></li> ) print pop } if } if } if } { currentobject /SpatialReferenceSystemDims getknown { [ exch { .name cvntos (+) } forall pop ] concat (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print dup print (+fig-+colors+coasts+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='colors with coasts';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/colorcoasts.gif") print (colors with coasts) printimagetitle ( width="100" height="28" border="1" /> colors with coasts</a></li> ) print pop } if } ifelse nptgrids length 1 ge { nptgrids length 1 eq 1.0 nptgrids { .npts mul } forall 10000 lt or { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?plottype=line) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='line plots';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/line.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1") print (line plots) printimagetitle ( /> line plots</a></li> ) print nptgrids length 1 ge { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=dup+) print nptgrids 0 get .name cvntos urlprint (+fig-+colorbars2+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Interactive Data Viewer: colorbar plot';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/colorbars.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1") print (colorbar) printimagetitle ( /> color bars</a></li>) print } if } if nptgrids dup length 1 eq { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=) print dup 0 get .name cvntos urlprint (+exch+fig-+scatter+-fig) print expert? { (& print } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Interactive Data Viewer: colorbar plot';return true" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/scatter.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1") print (scatter) printimagetitle (" /> scatter</a></li> ) print } if pop } if 2 index totype /streamtype eq { ifSTREAM { nptgrids length 1 gt { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?plottype=vectors" rel="nofollow" ><b>) print 2 index 2 index 2 (,) combinefullname dolongname print (</b> views ) print (<img src="/icons/viewericonvec.gif" /> vectors</a></li> ) print } { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?plottype=) print 2 index .units 2 index .units eq (line+red+line) (twolines) ifelse print (" rel="nofollow" ><b>) print 2 index 2 index 2 (,) combinefullname dolongname print (</b> views ) print (<img src="/icons/twolines.gif" width="100" height="50" border="1" /> two lines</a></li> ) print 2 index 2 index nptgrids 0 get .name comparethegrid { dup (M) eq exch (S) eq or } { false } ifelse { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?plottype=) print (colorbars2) print (" rel="nofollow" >) print (<img src="/icons/colorbars.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1" /> color bars</a></li> ) print } if pop pop pop } ifelse } if 3 index totype /streamtype eq { 3 index .units /degree_east eq 3 index .units /degree_north eq and { chunksize 40000 gt { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=fig-+regridcolor+-fig" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/scattercolor.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1" /> scatter color</a></li>) print (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=fig-+regridcolor+coasts+) print PGSQL? { (lakes+) print } if (-fig" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/scattercolorcoasts.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1" /> scatter color with coasts</a></li>) print } { (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=fig-+scattercolor+-fig" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/scattercolor.gif" width="100" height="25" border="1" /> scatter color</a></li>) print (<li><a href="figviewer.html?map.url=fig-+scattercolor+coasts+) print PGSQL? { (lakes+) print } if (-fig" rel="nofollow" ><img src="/icons/scattercolorcoasts.gif" width="100" height="28" border="1" /> scatter color with coasts</a></li>) print } ifelse } if } if } if } ifelse pop }
kc { HTMLwords /html:level html:level 1 sub put }
kc { PNM 6 1 roll vectorcolor pop DoTasks }
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <DT><em>) print dup cvntos (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=".) print dup print (/">) print dup dup length dup 4 gt { 4 sub 4 getinterval (.cdf) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 4 sub getinterval cvn } if print htmlpathpush (</a></em><DD>) print nice== htmlpathpop }
kc { /content-length WWWinfo ! wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo doauthorizedata RestrictData? { 2 (data restricted) DODSerror } if sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } if (XDODS-Server: Ingrid/2.15 ) print mimeheaderinfo DODScontentdescription (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified content-length null ne { (Content-Length: ) print content-length ==ns ( ) print } if ( ) print flush false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! method /HEAD eq { stop } if } if pop }
kc { 1 index FORMgetknown { 1 index getknown not { null } if } { null } ifelse (<input name=") print 2 index cvx ==ns 1 index (.) print cvx ==ns (" type="hidden" value=") print dup null eq { pop } { dup type /nametype eq { cvntos } if dup type /stringtype eq { print } { ==ns } ifelse } ifelse (" /> ) print formcnt++ pop pop }
kc { mimeheader loadavg 0 get nproc 0 get div dup 8.0 lt { pop (OK) print } { (load ) print == ( is too high) print } ifelse ( ) print stop }
kc { ( ) search { nip exch (%20) exch urls== } if }
kc { optionalREORDER mimeheaderdata toreal streamrescale chunksize datatsv DoTasks }
kc { WWWinfo .leftmenuinfo? not { null 5 object dup /leftmenuinfo WWWinfo ! } if }
kc { ( <DT><em>) print 2 index 0 get 0 5 getinterval (http:) eq { (<a href=") print 2 index 0 get print (.) print 1 index cvntos print (">) print 1 index cvntos dup dup length dup 5 gt { 5 sub 5 getinterval (.html) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 5 sub getinterval cvn } if printno_ (</a></em><DD>) print } { 2 copy exch cvx dup cvntos (<a href=".) print dup print (">) print dup dup length dup 5 gt { 5 sub 5 getinterval (.html) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 5 sub getinterval cvn } if printno_ htmlpathpush (</a></em><DD>) print nice== htmlpathpop } ifelse }
kc 0 11 object /response (6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1) def /opaque (5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41) def /username (Mufasa) def /nc (00000001) def /cnonce (0a4f113b) def /nonce (dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093) def /qop (auth) def /uri (/dir/index.html) def /realm ( def
kc { PNM exch newaxis pop }
kc { dup null eq { false } { .dataset dup type /arraytype eq { ifshortlink { 1 get } { 0 get } ifelse } if 2 copy eq { true } { ifshortlink0 } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { dup type /arraytype eq { (<table border="2" bgcolor="#FEFEFE"><tr align="center">) print dup length 8 gt { (<td bgcolor=") print allparentbgcolors 8 get print (">...</td>) print dup length 8 sub 8 getinterval } if dup length 0 eq { (<td) print setallparentbgcolor (> </td>) print } if dup length allparentlinkcount astore pop { allparentlinkcount 0 get 1 sub allparentlinkcount astore pop render2 } forall (</tr></table>) print } { allparentlinks0a } ifelse }
kc { dup /served_from known { true } { dup /dataset known { .dataset dup type /objecttype ne { pop false } { serveravailable? } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { WWWinfo .FORMinfo dup null eq { pop pop false } { exch getknown } ifelse }
kc { dup serveravailable? { .served_from } { served_from } ifelse }
kc { exch (<script language="javascript"> ) print (if( == "popup"){ window.location=") print dup print addleftmenuinfo ("; } else{ print lpar print (") print print addleftmenuinfo (","popup",") print print (") print rpar print (; if(infowindow){ infowindow.focus(); } else{alert("You have popups restricted. You must use the Popup manager to allow popups from xxxx to see this information");} } </script> ) (xxxx) search pop print pop htmlroot (http://) search { pop pop } if print printport print }
kc { currentobject /dataset_documentation.html getknown not { currentobject /dataset_documentation get } if dup totype /linktype eq { .href print } { pop dup (/) print dataseturl (/.dataset_documentation.html) print } ifelse pop }
kc { (<td) print setallparentbgcolor (>) print dup type /arraytype eq { { render } forall } { allparentlinks0a } ifelse (</td>) print }
kc { (vectoramplitudepage) htmlprint }
kc { PNM 6 1 roll vectoramplitudecolor pop DoTasks }
kc { boundingbox topict }
kc { PS 5 1 roll VECTOR pop DoTasks }
kc { (onelinepage) htmlprint }
kc { (<form method="post" class="ingridcommand" action="/fullcommand.html"><textarea name="command" rows=") print cmdlines 5 add ==ns (" cols="50" wrap="soft">) print prcmdlist (</textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="OK" /><input type="reset" value="reset" /></form> ) print }
kc { JPG 4 1 roll plaincolorwithscale pop DoTasks }
kc { WWWinfo .FORMinfo dup null eq { pop pop false } { exch known } ifelse }
kc { GIF 4 1 roll colorscale pop DoTasks }
kc { npts 1 gt { nptgrids } { [ 1 index .streamgrids ] } ifelse dup length 1 sub get }
kc { dup /lat known 1 index /lon known and { lat totype /streamtype eq lon totype /streamtype eq and { lat .npts dup 1 gt exch 100000 lt and lon /degree_east unitconvert message? { pop pop false } { pop true } ifelse lat /degree_north unitconvert message? { pop pop false } { pop true } ifelse and and { lat .nptgrids 0 get .gridid lon .nptgrids 0 get .gridid eq } { false } ifelse } { false } ifelse } { false } ifelse }
kc CaseList /arraytype { dup xcheck { 3 -1 roll exch exec exch 3 1 roll viewerdatasetcase caseexec } if } def /streamtype { npts 1 eq { exch 1 index } if } def
kc { mark 1 index interpurl counttomark 2 add -1 roll imagelink pop }
kc { /i2 /mimesuffix WWWinfo ! optionalREORDER toi2 swapbytes2 chunksize npts 2 mul mimeheaderwithlength datai2 DoTasks }
kc { needauthorization { countstack 2 sub array astore aload false exch { dup type /objecttype eq { /RestrictedMetaData? getknown { or } if } { pop } ifelse } forall } { false } ifelse }
kc { /showmenu? false store }
kc { GIF 5 1 roll autovector pop DoTasks }
kc { datasetlocmap? { true } { .dataset dup type /objecttype ne { pop false } { mapavailable? } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { WWWinfo exch /last_modified exch def /expires null def sendmimeheader { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { optionalREORDER toreal getscale_factor getadd_offset RESCALE chunksize dup writei4 nchunk writei4 datar4 DoTasks }
kc { boundingbox togif }
kc { datasetlocmap? { lat lon 2 null MATCH tablegridselect /tablegrid WWWinfo ! pop pop (<br clear="all" /><form name=mapform action="index.html"> ) print (<center><table bgcolor="#CCCCCC" border="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><table border="2" bgcolor="#FEFEFE">) print (<tr><td>) print /ptlbls FORMknown { WWWinfo .FORMinfo /ptlbls get dup (Label points by ...) eq 1 index (no labels) eq or { pop datasetselectplot /map (datasetselectplot) inputimagelinkwithlimitcontrols } { interp WWWinfo .FORMinfo .labeltype cvn /Label eq { datasetlabelplot ( datasetlabelplot) } if WWWinfo .FORMinfo .labeltype cvn /Color eq { datasetcolorplot ( datasetcolorplot) } if WWWinfo .FORMinfo .labeltype cvn /Size eq { datasetsizedplot ( datasetsizedplot) } if /map WWWinfo .FORMinfo .ptlbls 3 -1 roll append inputimagelinkwithlimitcontrols } ifelse } { datasetselectplot /map (datasetselectplot) inputimagelinkwithlimitcontrols } ifelse (</td>) print (<td align="center">) print datasetcontrols (</td>) print (</tr>) print (<tr>) print auxfigQ { (<td align="center">) print figdup .auxfig (datasetselectplot+.auxfig) imagelink /ptlbls FORMknown { WWWinfo .FORMinfo .labeltype cvn /Color eq { (<br />) print thecurrentdataset lon lat WWWinfo .FORMinfo /ptlbls get (no labels) 1 index eq { pop pop pop pop } { interp fig: scattercolor :fig .auxfig [ (lon/lat/) WWWinfo .FORMinfo /ptlbls get (/fig-+scattercolor+-fig+.auxfig) ] concat imagelink pop } ifelse } if } if (</td>) print } if (<td align="center">) print (this figure) thisfigure (</td>) print (</tr>) print (</table></td></tr></table></center>) print (<a href="searches.html?) print 2 index plotfirst (searchpar.lon.low=) print ==ns .plotlast (&searchpar.lon.high=) print ==ns 1 index plotfirst (& print ==ns .plotlast (& print ==ns (">List of stations in current view</a>) print figpop (<hr> ) print datasethandlemaplist (</FORM><hr> ) print } if }
kc { printheader? { theheader print false /printheader? HTMLwords ! } if }
kc { last_modified null ne { (Last-Modified: ) print last_modified code_last_modified imax current_last_modified null ne { current_last_modified imax } if cvi timetostring print ( ) print } if expires dup null eq { pop } { (Expires: ) print cvi timetostring print ( ) print } ifelse WWWinfo /Vary_List known { (Vary:) print mark Vary_List { pop } forall counttomark namearray astore nip namesort { space print cvntos print } forall ( ) print } if WWWinfo /Content-Language known { (Content-Language: ) print WWWinfo .Content-Language print ( ) print } if }
kc { dup length 0 eq { pop null } if }
kc true
kc [ 6 ]
kc { showmenu? { leftmenuhead null 1 index leftmenu0asbottom pop leftmenutrailer } if }
kc { portaldlscript (<map name="navmenu"><div class="toc">) print (<div class="menuitem"><a href="" class="menu" OnMouseOver="self.status='International Research Institute for Climate and Society';return true"><img src="/icons/IRIicon-80x80.gif" width="80" height="80" border="0" /></a></div>) print (<div class="menuitem"><hr width="90%" /><a class="linkr1" href="/" OnMouseOver="self.status='Climate Data Library';return true">Data Library</a></div> ) print }
kc { JPG 6 1 roll vectoramplitudecolor pop DoTasks }
kc [ 0 ]
kc { (colorpage) htmlprint }
kc { GIF exch newaxis pop }
kc { PNM showcolors pop }
kc { needauthorization { countstack 2 sub array astore aload false exch { dup type /objecttype eq { /RestrictedData? getknown { or } if } { pop } ifelse } forall } { false } ifelse }
name /==alias
kc { oneline .jpg }
kc { nobots (<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site.css" /> ) print (<body bgcolor="white" vlink="#993333" link="#CC33332" alink="#FF0000") print WWWinfo /onload getknown { ( onload=") print print (") print } if WWWinfo /onunload getknown { ( onunload=") print print (") print } if (>) print leftmenu }
kc CaseList /htmlfiletype { printheader? { 2 index leftmenusubhead pop false /printheader? HTMLwords ! } if (<div class="menuitem"><a) print 1 index currentreadfilename eq { ( class="linkra") print } { ( class="linkr") print } ifelse ( href="/) print currentobject dataseturl (/) print 1 index cvntos print addleftmenuinfo (" OnMouseOver="self.status='access and manipulate the data';return true">) print 1 index cvntos 0 1 index length 5 sub getinterval printno_ (</a></div> ) print } def /linktype { printheader? { 2 index leftmenusubhead pop false /printheader? HTMLwords ! } if (<div class="menuitem"><a) print ( class="linkr") print ( href=") print dup type /arraytype eq { dup 0 get print } { href print } ifelse (" OnMouseOver="self.status='access and manipulate the data';return true">) print 1 index cvntos printno_ (</a></div> ) print } def /datasettype { printheader? { 2 index leftmenusubhead pop false /printheader? HTMLwords ! } if (<div class="menuitem"><a) print 3 index 1 index eq { ( class="linkra") print } { ( class="linkr") print } ifelse ( href="/) print dup dataseturl (/) print addleftmenuinfodir (" OnMouseOver="self.status='access and manipulate the data';return true">) print currentobject /menu_name getknown not { name } if cvntos printno_ (</a></div> ) print } def /arraytype { dup xcheck { 3 -1 roll exch exec exch 3 1 roll leftmenucase caseexec } if } def /pendingdatasettype { dup xcheck { 3 -1 roll exch exec exch 3 1 roll leftmenucase caseexec } if } def
kc { currentobject 2 index pgetknown { dup type /arraytype eq { aload length 1 add array dup length 1 add -1 roll exch astore } { exch 2 array astore } ifelse } if pdef }
kc { WWWinfo exch /last_modified exch def /expires null def doauthorizedata sendmimeheader { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { currentobject /addcmd known { currentobject .addcmd urlprint currentobject /first? true def null null 5 object /command dup def /addcmd dup def /first? dup def /formaction dup def /==alias dup def { dup type /objecttype ne { first? { (?) /first? false store } { (&) } ifelse print exch cvntos print (=) print dup type /stringtype eq { urlprint } { dup null eq { pop } { ==ns } ifelse } ifelse } { { first? { (?) /first? false store } { (&) } ifelse print 2 index cvntos print (.) print exch cvntos print (=) print dup type /stringtype eq { urlprint } { dup null eq { pop } { ==ns } ifelse } ifelse } forall pop } ifelse } forsome } if }
kc { WWWinfo .url-q dup length 1 sub 1 getinterval (/) eq not { WWWinfo .url-q length 10 ge { WWWinfo .url-q dup length 10 sub 10 getinterval (index.html) eq } { false } ifelse not { WWWinfo [ htmlroot redirectport 80 ne { (:) redirectport s== } if url-q (/) ] concat nip redirectto stop } if } if }
kc { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved content-type: text/html ) print currentobject /last_modified known { last_modified null ne { (Last-Modified: ) print last_modified code_last_modified imax current_last_modified null ne { current_last_modified imax } if cvi timetostring print ( ) print } if } if WWWinfo /Vary_List known { (Vary:) print mark WWWinfo .Vary_List { pop } forall counttomark namearray astore nip namesort { space print cvntos print } forall ( ) print } if (Location: ) print dup type /stringtype eq { dup print ( <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print print } { dup htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/ <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/) print } ifelse (">here</a>. </body> </html> ) print false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! }
kc { /expires WWWinfo ! /last_modified WWWinfo ! WWWinfo sendmimeheader { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { GIF 4 1 roll plaincolor pop DoTasks }
kc { dup length 2 eq { dup aload pop ifshortlink0 nip nip } { false } ifelse }
kc { oneline .pict }
kc { (<a href=") print WWWinfo .currenturldir urlprint (/" ) print (>) print htmlformulaprint (</a>) print }
kc { null 1 object exch /functionname exch def nptgrids 1 1 2 index length { 1 index exch { (<a rel="nofollow" href="[) print dup { .name ==ns (+) print } forall (]) print functionname print (/">) print { .name == } forall (</a> ) print } combinations (| ) print } for pop pop }
kc { leftmenutoplevel 0 get leftmenulevel 0 get ge { WWWinfo .leftmenuinfo? { pop (index.html) print addleftmenuinfo } { WWWinfo FORMinfo null ne { (index.html) print addleftmenuinfo } if pop } ifelse } if }
kc { SOURCES .WORLDBATH .bath Y low high RANGEEDGES exch lon (degree_east) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK exch lat (degree_north) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK exch 1 index .nptgrids length 1 gt { 3 index X exch .Y fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors coasts PGSQL? { lakes } if colorareas :fig } { 3 index X exch .Y fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors coasts PGSQL? { lakes } if scattercolor :fig } ifelse datasetselectplotrange }
kc { PNM 4 1 roll plaincontour pop DoTasks }
kc { boundingbox topict }
kc { (<div class="menuitem"><hr width="90%" /><a class="linkr" href=" print WWWinfo /url getknown { dup type /stringtype eq { urlprint } { pop } ifelse } if (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Any questions or comments? Please let us know.';return true"><img src="/icons/mailicon7.gif" alt="help" width="30" height="20" border="0" /><br />help</a></div> ) print (<div class="menuitem"><hr width="90%" /><a class="linkr") print ( href="forprint+) print printlink? { currentreadfilename cvntos print } { (index.html) print } ifelse WWWinfo url-q length url length ne { url url-q length 1 index length 1 index sub getinterval urlprint } if pop (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Printer-friendly version of page';return true">Printable Page</a></div>) print WWWinfo currentobject /Content-Languages getknown { (<div class="menuitem"><hr width="90%" />) print LanguageList { currentobject 1 index known { (<a class=) print WWWinfo /Content-Language getknown { cvn 1 index eq } { false } ifelse (linkr1) (linkr) ifelse print ( lang=") print dup cvntos print (") print ( href=") print url-q print url-q dup length 1 sub 1 getinterval (/) eq { (index.html) print } if (?) print url-q length url length eq { (Set-Language=) print dup cvntos print } { url url-q length 1 add url length 1 index sub getinterval (Set-Language=) search { print print 1 index cvntos print (&) search { pop print print } { pop } ifelse } { print (&Set-Language=) print dup cvntos print } ifelse } ifelse (">) print Languages 1 index get print (</a><br /> ) print } if pop } forall (</div> ) print pop } if pop ( </div></map> ) print maybeGoogleAnalytics }
kc { (WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=") print authorization-realm print (" ) print }
kc -operator-
kc { WWWinfo /port known { WWWinfo donttrust nip { false } { WWWinfo .domainname dup null eq { pop true } { dup ( eq 1 index ( eq or WWWinfo .clientname (localhost) eq or nip } ifelse } ifelse } { true } ifelse }
kc { exch 1 index cvn passwords exch 2 copy known { get exch 1 index 0 2 getinterval crypt eq { true } { pop false } ifelse } { pop pop pop pop false } ifelse }
kc { /map getimageinput { click? zoom (Click for Info) eq and { .clickpoint leftmenuinfo: exch { dup null eq { (Please click on the map) print stop } { value dup subgrid first cvsunits (map.) 3 -1 roll .name cvntos (.plotvalue) 3array astore concat exch def } ifelse } forall :leftmenuinfo true } { pop false } ifelse } { false } ifelse }
kc { PS 4 1 roll CONTOUR pop DoTasks }
kc { PS2 4 1 roll plaincolor pop DoTasks }
kc { PS2 6 1 roll vectorcolor pop DoTasks }
kc { /Set-Language FORMgetknown { /Set-Language exch def } if pop }
kc { PNM 6 1 roll vectorcontour pop DoTasks }
kc 0 67 object /dtd (text/xml) def /r4 (application/x-r4) def /s4 (application/x-s4) def /css (text/css) def /dods (application/octet-stream) def /svg (image/svg+xml) def /ppt (application/ def /png (image/png) def /pict (image/pict) def /multipart (multipart/mixed; boundary=Ingrid-file-boundary---) def /gif (image/gif) def /zip (application/zip) def /kmz ( def /ui1 (application/x-ui1) def /dds (text/plain) def /das (text/plain) def /asc (text/plain) def /html (text/html; charset=utf-8) def /pnm (image/x-portable-anymap) def /tsv (text/tab-separated-values) def /arcinfo (application/arcinfo) def /csv (text/comma-separated-values) def /tex (text/x-latex) def /idaimg (image/ida) def /tiff (image/tiff) def /txt (text/plain) def /kml (application/ def /cdf (application/x-netcdf) def /ch (text/plain) def /jpg (image/jpeg) def /gz (application/x-gzip) def /latex (text/x-latex) def /owl (application/rdf+xml) def /js (text/javascript) def /hdf (application/x-hdf) def /i2 (application/octet-stream) def /json (application/json; charset=utf-8) def /mov (video/quicktime) def /nc (application/x-netcdf) def /m3d (application/x-m3d) def /r8 (application/octet-stream) def /ps (application/postscript) def /cuf (application/octet-stream) def /xsl (text/xml) def /pdf (application/pdf) def /xbm (image/x-xbitmap) def /act (text/html) def /xhtml (application/xhtml+xml) def /xml (text/xml) def /ico (image/x-icon) def /lanimg (image/lan) def
kc false
kc { boundingbox togif }
kc { 1 index /selectname Ingrid: ! false /selectoptionfound Ingrid: ! (<select name=") print exch dup type /namearraytype eq { dup 0 get cvntos print 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { (.) print cvntos print } forall } { cvntos print } ifelse (" onChange="changedtext(this)"> ) print }
kc { dataset followcase caseexec }
kc { dup /GCMD_id known { true } { dup /dataset known { .dataset dup type /objecttype ne { pop false } { gcmdidavailable? } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { authorization-realms { nip leave } forall false dlauthCredGetRedirectX nip }
kc { nptgrids { (<a rel="nofollow" href=") print name ==ns (+) print 1 index print (/">) print name ==ns (</a> ) print pop } forall pop }
kc { PS 5 1 roll SCATTER pop DoTasks }
kc { /ntable HTMLwords ! ntable NtoNaN mimeheaderdata ntable array astore dup dup length 1 gt { dup 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { .longname print tab print } forall } if 0 get .longname print ( ) print dup dup length 1 gt { dup 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { dup /units known { units cvntos print pop } { pop } ifelse tab print } forall } if 0 get dup /units known { units cvntos print pop } { pop } ifelse ( ) print aload pop { gtable1 gtable2 gtable3 gtable4 } ntable 1 sub get exec DoTasks }
kc { PS 4 1 roll COLOR pop DoTasks }
kc { (linepage) htmlprint }
kc { ( alt=") print dup print (" title=") print print (") print }
kc { (Content-Description: ) print contentdescriptions WWWinfo .mimesuffix get print ( ) print }
kc { boundingbox tojpg }
kc { (vectoramplitudecolorpage) htmlprint }
kc { JPG 5 1 roll autovector pop DoTasks }
kc { GIF 5 1 roll plainvector pop DoTasks }
kc { PICT 4 1 roll plaincolor pop DoTasks }
kc { dup /long_name known { long_name } { cleanname } ifelse htmlformulaprint (</a>) print dup /dataset_documentation.html known { (</b><sup><a href=") print dup datasetdocurl (" OnMouseOver="self.status='Documentation for ) print printdescriptionno' ('; return true">) print (*</a></sup>) print } if datasetlocmap? { ( <font color="green">[map]</font>) print } if }
kc (5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41)
kc { FORMgetknown not { null } if }
kc CaseList /pendingdatasettype { exec variable1Dmenucase 1 index totype get exec } def /datasettype { dup pushdataset dup makesortednamelist { 2 copy get variable1Dmenucase 1 index totype get exec dropitem } forall popdataset } def /streamtype { npts 1 gt nptgrids length 1 eq and datatype /geometrytype eq not and { datasetcount 0 gt { [ datasetstack 0 datasetcount getinterval { .name cvntos ( .) } forall name cvntos ] concat } { name cvntos } ifelse dup WWWinfo .theoption cvntos eq { (<option selected>) } { (<option>) } ifelse print print (</option> ) print } if } def
kc /fullcommand
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <DT><em>) print dup cvntos 2 index /long_name known { pop long_name } { dup dup length dup 4 gt { 4 sub 4 getinterval (.cdf) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 4 sub getinterval cvn } if } ifelse print htmlpathpush (</em>) print dup /standard_name getknown { cvntos == } if (<DD>) print nice== htmlpathpop }
kc 0 5 object /nametype { ==nsurl } def /arraytype { procasurl } def /stringtype { urlprint } def /integertype { ==ns (+index) print } def
kc { optionalREORDER toi1 chunksize npts mimeheaderwithlength 1 exch dataui1 dataui1 TaskStreams 0 get 1 NewIntegerBuffer 0 SetStreamIndex* TaskStreams .achunk pop * achunk array astore { last VALUE } forall getrealization pop }
kc { }
kc { PS 4 1 roll LINE pop DoTasks }
kc { /V FORMknown { [ WWWinfo .currenturldir (+) WWWinfo .FORMinfo .V { pop cvntos (+) } forall (VALUES/) ] concat redirectto } { defaultmimeheader } ifelse }
kc { mark 2 index sortednames { 1 index exch get viewerdatasetcase caseexec pop } forall pop counttomark 0 gt { table: boldData mark :table .html } { pop } ifelse }
kc { /r8 /mimesuffix WWWinfo ! optionalREORDER streamrescale todouble swapbytes8 chunksize npts 8 mul mimeheaderwithlength datar8 DoTasks }
kc { RESTRICTIONS /LDEOONLY dup put /LDGOtested? true store ifLDGO not { /RestrictedData? true def } if }
kc { dup makesortednamelist { 2 copy get variableattsmenucase caseexec dropitem } forall pop }
kc 0 47 object /multipart /multipart def /dds /dds def /lanimg /lanimg def /hdf /hdf def /cdf /cdf def /pict /pict def /csv /csv def /r8 /r8 def /xml /xml def /dtd /dtd def /json /json def /txt /txt def /png /png def /idaimg /idaimg def /html /html def /s4 /s4 def /cuf /cuf def /asc /asc def /pdf /pdf def /svg /svg def /ch /ch def /zip /zip def /nc /nc def /dods /dods def /ps /ps def /gz /gz def /pnm /pnm def /ui1 /ui1 def /tiff /tiff def /tsv /tsv def /owl /owl def /xsl /xsl def /r4 /r4 def /kml /kml def /gif /gif def /arcinfo /arcinfo def /kmz /kmz def /jpg /jpg def /das /das def /i2 /i2 def
kc { JPG 6 1 roll vectoramplitude pop DoTasks }
kc HTMLwords
kc null
kc { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved content-type: text/html ) print (Location: ) print dup type /stringtype eq { dup urlprint addleftmenuinfo ( <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print print } { dup htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/ <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/) print } ifelse (">here</a>. </body> </html> ) print false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! }
kc { dup 1 object dup dup makesortednamelist { dup totype /streamtype eq { .npts 1 gt } { pop false } ifelse { undef } { pop } ifelse } forsome }
kc { dup 1 eq { pop { counttomark array astore aload combinationproc exec pop } forall } { 1 sub 1 1 3 index length 3 index sub { 2 index 1 index 1 sub get 4 1 roll 2 index length 1 index sub 3 index 3 1 roll getinterval 1 index 4 2 roll counttomark 1 add 2 roll combinations0 pop counttomark 3 add -2 roll } for pop pop } ifelse }
kc 0 23 object /center 1.0 def (x1/4)cvn 0.25 def /x2 2.0 def /x8 8.0 def /x4 4.0 def (Zoom x4)cvn 4.0 def /Zoom 1.0 def (Click for Info)cvn null def /x16 16 def (Zoom x1)cvn 1.0 def (Zoom x1/4)cvn 0.25 def (same scale)cvn 1.0 def /x1 1.0 def (x1/2)cvn 0.5 def (Zoom x2)cvn 2.0 def (Zoom x1/2)cvn 0.5 def
kc CaseList /nametype { cvntos attcase /stringtype get exec } def /realtype { 2 index print (.) print 1 index cvntos print (=) print dup ==ns ( ) print } def /stringtype { 2 index print (.) print 1 index cvntos print (=) print dup print ( ) print } def /integertype { 2 index print (.) print 1 index cvntos print (=) print dup ==ns ( ) print } def
kc { PS 4 1 roll LINEX pop DoTasks }
kc { (vectorcontourpage) htmlprint }
kc { fig: line :fig }
kc { legalclient? not { (HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden ) print (Content-Type: text/html ) print (<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1> ) print (Access to this server is denied ) print (</body></html> ) print flush stop } if }
kc { PICT 6 1 roll vectorcontour pop DoTasks }
kc { 3 copy pop eq { (<option selected value=") } { 3 copy pop dup type /namearraytype eq { cvnatourl cvn } if eq { (<option selected value=") } { (<option value=") } ifelse } ifelse print exch dup type /nametype eq { cvntos } if dup type /namearraytype eq { cvnatourl } if dup type /stringtype eq { print } { ==ns } ifelse (">) print dup type /nametype eq { cvntos } if dup type /stringtype eq { print } { ==ns } ifelse (</option> ) print }
kc 0 5 object /formaction { machinename null eq { /machinename ifLDGO { hostname } { clientname } ifelse def } if filename null eq filename (/) eq or { (No filename entered. ) printerror } { filename stat { pop false } { true } ifelse { /filename [ (/hosts/) machinename filename 0 get 47 ne { (/) } if filename ] concat def } if filename stat { filename readfile redirectto } { [ (<b>) filename (</b> not found .) ] printerror } ifelse } ifelse } def /printerror { 404 errormimeheader (<html><body>) print dup type /stringtype eq { print } { { print } forall } ifelse (</body></html> ) print } def
kc { (<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site.css" /> ) print (<body bgcolor="white" vlink="#993333" link="#CC33332" alink="#FF0000") print WWWinfo /onload getknown { ( onload=") print print (") print } if WWWinfo /onunload getknown { ( onunload=") print print (") print } if (>) print leftmenuasbottom }
kc { }
kc { PS2 5 1 roll autovector pop DoTasks }
kc { leftmenulevel 0 2 copy get 1 add put addleftmenuinfodir leftmenulevel 0 2 copy get 1 sub put }
kc false
kc { WWWinfo MD5Users /Mufasa dup cvntos ( (Circle Of Life) HA1 def pop ValidUsers sampleresponse .username cvn dup def pop /url sampleresponse .uri def /method (GET) def sampleresponse dup == ( ) print (method: ") print method print (" ) print (url: ") print url print (" ) print username null localaskldap (ldap return code:) print dup == DigestErrorCodes exch get == ( ) print (HA1: ") print dup print (" ) print checkMD5response (checkMD5response:) print dup == ( ) print (reference response:) print response == ( ) print response eq { (Match ) } { (FAILED ) } ifelse print pop }
kc { boundingbox topict }
kc { JPG 4 1 roll plaincontour pop DoTasks }
kc { currentobject /myproc getknown { dup length 1 eq { 0 get name eq } { pop false } ifelse } { true } ifelse }
kc { (Date: ) print systemtime timetostring print ( Server: Ingrid 0.9 ) print (MIME-version: 1.0 ) print (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * ) print WWWinfo /returncode getknown not { 0 } if 202 eq { (Cache-Control: must-revalidate ) print } { WWWinfo /max-age getknown { (Cache-Control: public, max-age=) print ==ns ( ) print } { (Cache-Control: public ) print } ifelse } ifelse WWWinfo .authorization? { (Vary: Authorization ) print } if }
kc { nobots (<link rel=stylesheet TYPE="text/css" href="/site.css" /> ) print alternateLanguageLinks maybeGoogleAnalyticsHead }
kc { WWWinfo currentobject /Content-Languages getknown { LanguageList { WWWinfo /Content-Language getknown { cvn 1 index eq } { false } ifelse not { currentobject 1 index known { (<link rel="alternate" rev="alternate" type="text/html" ) print ( lang=") print dup cvntos print (") print ( hreflang=") print dup cvntos print (") print ( href=") print url-q print url-q dup length 1 sub 1 getinterval (/) eq { (index.html) print } if (?) print url-q length url length eq { (Set-Language=) print dup cvntos print } { url url-q length 1 add url length 1 index sub getinterval (Set-Language=) search { print print 1 index cvntos print (&) search { pop print print } { pop } ifelse } { print (&Set-Language=) print dup cvntos print } ifelse } ifelse (" title=") print Languages 1 index get print (" /> ) print } if } if pop } forall pop } if pop }
kc { WWWinfo sendmimeheader { mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { nptgrids { (<A href=") print name ==ns (+null+) print 1 index print (.ps">) print name ==ns (</a>[) print 2 index 1 index 1 REORDER .nchunk ==ns (] ) print pop } forall pop }
kc { 1066077372 set_code_last_modified optionalREORDER toreal streamrescaleonlyifnecessary chunksize npts 4 mul mimeheaderwithlength datar4 DoTasks }
kc { false IRIurl? { (/IRIONLY) print } { LDEOurl? { (/LDEOONLY) print } if } ifelse }
kc { WWWinfo .FORMinfo dup null eq { pop pop false } { exch getknownnotnull } ifelse }
kc CaseList /datasettype { dup pushdataset dup makesortednamelist { 2 copy get variableattsmenucase 1 index totype get exec dropitem } forall popdataset } def /arraytype { dup xcheck { nip exec name exch variableattsmenucase 1 index totype get exec } if } def /pendingdatasettype { dup xcheck { nip exec name exch variableattsmenucase 1 index totype get exec } if } def /streamtype { datasetcount 0 gt { [ datasetstack 0 datasetcount getinterval { .name cvntos (.) } forall name cvntos ] concat } { name cvntos } ifelse 2 copy print ( ) print DATASETbot hiddendatasetatts { attcase caseexec pop pop } forsome pop } def
kc { /combinationproc combinationdict ! combinationdict mark 4 2 roll combinations0 pop pop }
kc { WWWinfo .sendmimeheader { /last_modified where { 2 copy eq { pop getexpires? not { null } if /expires WWWinfo ! getlast_modified? not { null } if /last_modified WWWinfo ! } { dup /expires known { getexpires? not { null } if } { null } ifelse /expires WWWinfo ! getlast_modified? not { null } if /last_modified WWWinfo ! pop } ifelse } { null /expires WWWinfo ! null /last_modified WWWinfo ! } ifelse currentobject /max-age known { max-age dup null eq { pop } { /max-age WWWinfo ! } ifelse } if } if }
kc { (<a class="linkra" href=") print WWWinfo .currenturldir urlprint (/" ) print (>) print htmlformulaprint (</a>) print }
kc { boundingbox tojpg }
kc { (plaincolorwithscalepage) htmlprint }
kc { oneline .pnm }
kc { wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo sendmimeheader { nodefaultmimeheader mimesuffix known not { doifmodified? { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse } if mimeheaderinfo dolastmodified (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print mimesuffix /act eq { ( ) print } { ( ) print } ifelse flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if } if pop }
kc { PS2 exch newaxis pop }
kc { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved content-type: text/html ) print currentobject /last_modified known { last_modified null ne { (Last-Modified: ) print last_modified code_last_modified imax current_last_modified null ne { current_last_modified imax } if cvi timetostring print ( ) print } if } if WWWinfo /Vary_List known { (Vary:) print mark WWWinfo .Vary_List { pop } forall counttomark namearray astore nip namesort { space print cvntos print } forall ( ) print } if (Location: ) print dup type /stringtype eq { dup urlprint ( <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print print } { dup htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/ <html> <body> Please look <a href=") print htmlroot print printport (/) print dataseturl (/) print } ifelse (">here</a>. </body> </html> ) print false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! }
kc { (<div class="menuitem"><hr width="90%" /><a class="linkr1" href="/) print dup dataseturl (/) print addleftmenuinfodirheader (" OnMouseOver="self.status='access and manipulate the data';return true">) print currentobject /menu_name getknown not { name } if cvntos printno_ (</a><hr width="30%" /></div> ) print }
kc { dup 2 index eq { (<option selected> ) true /selectoptionfound Ingrid: ! } { (<option> ) } ifelse print dup type /nametype eq { cvntos } if dup type /stringtype eq { print } { ==ns } ifelse }
kc { PNM 4 1 roll plaincolorwithscale pop DoTasks }
kc { boundingbox togif }
kc { Ingrid: /GoogleAnalyticsDone known not { Ingrid: /GoogleAnalyticsID getknown { 1160491916 set_code_last_modified (<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> ) print (<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- _uacct = ") print print ("; ) print ( _udn=") print usehostname print ("; ) print (urchinTracker(); --> ) print (</script> ) print } if } if }
kc { streamgridarray { 2 index (map.) 2 index .name cvntos (.plotvalue) 3array astore concat getknown { VALUE } { pop } ifelse } forall npts 1 gt { pop } { dup getrealization 0 get cvsunits exch .name (map.) exch cvntos (.plotvalue) 3array astore concat exch def } ifelse }
kc { /X lon .get_scale_min null eq { -180 180 } { lon .get_scale_min lon .get_scale_max } ifelse plotrange lat .get_scale_min null eq { /Y -90 90 } { /Y lat .get_scale_min lat .get_scale_max } ifelse plotrange }
kc { /map getimageinput { click? { (You have chosen [) print clickpoint 0 get dup null ne { value printunits pop } { == } ifelse (, ) print clickpoint 1 get dup null ne { value printunits pop } { == } ifelse (]. ) print clickpoint 0 get null ne clickpoint 1 get null ne and { (<input name="vgrid" type="hidden" value=") print WWWinfo .tablegrid .name cvntos urlprint (" /> ) print (The nearest station is) print 1 index 5 object lon clickpoint 0 get .units unitconvert clickpoint 0 get a: .plotfirst :a: .plotlast :a masknotrange clickpoint 0 get .value sub dup mul lat clickpoint 1 get .units unitconvert clickpoint 1 get .value sub dup mul add dup nptgrids minover maskgt /name /maskgt def [ 2 index DATASETbot ==noprintdataset { nip datasethandlemaplistCases caseexec } forsome counttomark namearray astore namesort 3 -1 roll exch /long_name (0aKX0aKXxt/j!) def /units (0aKX0aKX) def lon lat 2 null MATCH pop .streamgridarray 0 get exch { cvx counttomark 1 add index 1 index get exch /relativename exch def } forall table: terse [ /maskgt ] skipon hidecolumn boxlinkedunits units etc :table .html pop } if } if pop } { (Click on map to select data; change the <b>Zoom</b> menu to zoom in as well.) print } ifelse }
kc { true /printheader? HTMLwords ! /theheader HTMLwords ! }
kc { PICT 6 1 roll vectorcolor pop DoTasks }
kc { ( <tr><td><em>) print 2 index 0 get 0 5 getinterval (http:) eq { (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=") print 2 index 0 get print (.) print 1 index cvntos print (">) print 1 index cvntos dup dup length dup 5 gt { 5 sub 5 getinterval (.html) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 5 sub getinterval cvn } if printno_ (</a></em></td></tr>) print } { 2 copy exch cvx dup cvntos (<a href=".) print dup print (">) print dup dup length dup 5 gt { 5 sub 5 getinterval (.html) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 5 sub getinterval cvn } if printno_ htmlpathpush (</a></em></td></tr>) print nice== htmlpathpop } ifelse }
kc { (<a class="share carryLanguage" href="?) print html:paths 0 html:level getinterval { htmlpathtypes 1 index type get exec (/) print } forall (">) print }
kc { PICT 5 1 roll plainvector pop DoTasks }
kc { null 1 object exch /functionname exch def nptgrids 1 1 2 index length { 1 index exch { (<a rel="nofollow" href="[) print dup { .name ==ns (+) print } forall (]) print functionname print (">) print { .name == } forall (</a> ) print } combinations (| ) print } for pop pop }
kc { mycoach }
kc { currentobject /zoom known { zoom zoomvalues 1 index cvn known { zoomvalues exch cvn get } { interp } ifelse } { 1 } ifelse }
kc { (<a class="linkta" href=") print WWWinfo .currenturldir urlprint (/" ) print (>) print htmlformulaprint (</a>) print }
kc { SOURCES .WORLDBATH .bath Y low high RANGEEDGES exch lon (degree_east) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK exch lat (degree_north) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK exch 3 index X exch .Y fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors coasts PGSQL? { lakes } if scattersized :fig datasetselectplotrange }
kc { wwwcopylastmod /content-length WWWinfo ! WWWinfo doauthorizedata sendmimeheader { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified content-length null ne { (Content-Length: ) print content-length ==ns ( ) print } if /filename FORMgetknownnotnull { (Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=") print print (" ) print } if mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { GIF 4 1 roll plaincolorwithscale pop DoTasks }
kc { PS2 6 1 roll vectoramplitudecolor pop DoTasks }
kc { Ingrid: /GoogleAnalyticsID getknown { (<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push) print lpar print (['_setAccount', ') print print (']) print rpar print (; _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);) print ( _gaq.push(['_trackPageLoadTime']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); //--> </script> ) print Ingrid: /GoogleAnalyticsDone true put } if }
kc 0 5 object /dds (dods-dds) def /das (dods-das) def /dods (dods-data) def /asc (dods-data) def
kc { /mymimeinfo WWWinfo ! wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { mimesuffix /act eq { (HTTP/1.0 301 Moved ) print } { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } ifelse } if mimeheaderinfo (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified mymimeinfo null ne { mymimeinfo exec } if mimesuffix /act ne { ( ) print } if flush method /HEAD eq { stop } if false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! } if pop }
kc { boundingbox tojpg }
kc { 1 index 1 index gridnobyname dup 0 ne { gridbyno nip 3 index 2 index getknown { 2 copy .gridid exch .gridid eq { pop pop (M) true } { 2 copy .gridtype 2 ne exch .gridtype 2 ne and 2 index .units 2 index .units eq and { 2 copy .step exch .step eq { 2 copy .first exch .first sub 1 index .step div dup round exch sub dup 0.0 ne { 1 index .step mul s== (O=) exch append nip nip true } { pop pop pop (S) true } ifelse } { pop pop (D) true } ifelse } { pop pop (D) true } ifelse } ifelse } { pop (M) true } ifelse } { pop pop false } ifelse }
kc [ null ]
kc { nptgrids dup { 2 copy ne { (<A href=") print 1 index .name /X eq name /Y eq and { ((XOVY)+null+def+) print } if 1 index .name ==ns (+) print name ==ns (+) print 2 index print (.gif">) print 1 index .name ==ns ( ) print name ==ns (</a>[) print 3 index 2 index 2 index 2 REORDER .nchunk ==ns (] ) print } if pop pop } forall2 pop }
kc { GIF showcolors pop }
kc { chunksize datatsv }
kc { GIF 6 1 roll vectorcolor pop DoTasks }
kc { (%%BoundingBox: 0 0 288 50 startPSplot 0 35 moveto startplot 4 inch 15 area2d ) print (/axisinset 0 def) print low step abs 0.5 mul sub == high step abs 0.5 mul add == ( 0 1 setlimits axis: bottom /units ) print units cvntos == ( def nicetics ticlabels :axis endplot endPSplot ) print }
kc { dup /dataset_documentation.html known { (<b>) print } if (<a href="/) print dup dataseturl (/") print datasetonMouseOver (>) print dup /myproc known { dup /myprocds getknown { type /arraytype eq { false } { dup dataset exch .myprocds .dataset eq } ifelse } { dup /dataset knownnotnull not } ifelse { myproc { == } forall (</a>) print } { allparentlinks01 } ifelse } { allparentlinks00 } ifelse pop }
kc { SOURCES .WORLDBATH .bath (0aKX0aKX) /labeltype parameter (Color) eq (0aKX0aKX) /ptlbls parameter (0aKX0aKX ) ne and { halfgreyscale } if lon (degree_east) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK lat (degree_north) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK lon .npts 40000 gt { dup dataflag 2 index X exch .Y fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors coasts PGSQL? { lakes } if regridmask :fig } { nptgrids length 1 gt { nptgrids 1 get 3 index X exch .Y fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors coasts PGSQL? { lakes } if /labeltype get_parameter (0aKX0aKX0aKX) eq /ptlbls get_parameter (0aKX0aKX0aKX) eq or { scatterlines } { /labeltype get_parameter (Color) eq { ||colorareas } { scatterlines } ifelse } ifelse :fig } { 2 index X exch .Y /labeltype get_parameter (ÐaKXÐaKXØPC) ne /ptlbls get_parameter (@aKX@aKX0aKX0aKX) ne and { /ptlbls get_parameter cvn cvx exec 3 1 roll } if fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors coasts PGSQL? { lakes } if /labeltype get_parameter (ÐaKXÐaKXØPC) eq /ptlbls get_parameter (@aKX@aKX0aKX0aKX) eq or { scatter } { /labeltype get_parameter (Label) eq { scatterlabel } if /labeltype get_parameter (Color) eq { || scattercolor } if /labeltype get_parameter (Size) eq { scattersized } if } ifelse :fig } ifelse } ifelse datasetselectplotrange }
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <DT><em>) print dup cvntos (<a class="share carryLanguage" href=".) print dup print (/">) print 2 index /long_name known { pop long_name } { dup dup length dup 4 gt { 4 sub 4 getinterval dup (.cdf) eq exch (.cuf) eq or } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 4 sub getinterval cvn } if } ifelse print htmlpathpush (</a></em>) print RestrictMetaData? { ( <font color="green">(restricted)</font>) print } if (<dd>) print nice== htmlpathpop }
kc { (vectorcontourtogapage) htmlprint }
kc { GIF 4 1 roll autocontour pop DoTasks }
kc { leftmenulevel 0 get 1 le }
kc { WWWinfo url-q length url length eq showmenu? not or { false } { url url-q length 1 add url length 1 index sub getinterval (&) search { pop pop pop true } { pop false } ifelse } ifelse nip { (<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,nofollow" /> ) print } if }
kc { WWWinfo .FORMinfo dup null eq { pop WWWinfo /FORMinfo null 5 object put WWWinfo .FORMinfo } if ! }
kc { WWWinfo /url-q known { (<a href=") print WWWinfo URLrootprint pop WWWinfo .currenturldir urlprint (/) print (index.html?) addparameterstourl (" ) print (>) print print (</a>) print } { pop } ifelse }
kc { 1 index .nrdim 0 eq { ntable 0 MATCH exch 1 } { 1 REORDER chunk pop exch chunksize } ifelse datatsv2 }
kc { GRIDParent 3 1 roll /map FORMgetknown { exch [ 3 1 roll { 2 copy getknown { dup /plotfirst getknown { (map.) 3 index cvntos (.plotfirst) 3array astore concat counttomark 1 add index ! } if dup /plotlast getknown { (map.) 3 index cvntos (.plotlast) 3array astore concat counttomark 1 add index ! } if dup /plotvalue getknown { (map.) 3 index cvntos (.plotvalue) 3array astore concat counttomark 1 add index ! } if dup /units getknown { true } { false 2 index /X eq { pop /degree_east true } if 2 index /Y eq { pop /degree_north true } if } ifelse { (map.) 3 index cvntos (.units) 3array astore concat counttomark 1 add index ! } if pop pop } { pop } ifelse } forall pop pop } { pop } ifelse nip }
kc { wwwcopylastmod WWWinfo doauthorizedata RestrictData? { 2 (data restricted) DODSerror } if sendmimeheader { doifmodified? { (HTTP/1.0 200 OK ) print } if (XDODS-Server: Ingrid/2.15 ) print mimeheaderinfo DODScontentdescription (Content-Type: ) print mimetype print ( ) print dolastmodified ( ) print flush false /sendmimeheader WWWinfo ! method /HEAD eq { stop } if } if pop }
kc { 1 index FORMgetknown { 1 index getknown not { null } if } { null } ifelse (<input name=") print 2 index cvx ==ns (.) print 1 index cvx ==ns (" type="text) print dup null eq { pop } { (" value=") print dup type /nametype eq { cvntos } if dup type /stringtype eq { print } { ==ns } ifelse } ifelse (" size="8" /> ) print formcnt++ pop pop }
kc { optionalREORDER mimeheader printstreamunits }
kc FORMwords /test.act 0 23 object /formaction { ( ) print dup /map known { /x map .x cvi def /y map .y cvi def } { /x x cvi def /y y cvi def } ifelse /pointX x 38.0 sub xh xl sub mul 432 div xl add def /pointY 225.0 y sub yh yl sub mul 215 div yl add def (test) htmlprint } def /yl -90 def /xh 180 def /xl -180 def /yh 90 def def
kc { boundingbox togif }
kc { 0 0 288 50 togif }
kc { oneline .gif }
kc { html:paths exch html:level exch put HTMLwords /html:level html:level 1 add put }
kc { boundingbox togif }
kc { SOURCES .WORLDBATH .bath lat .get_scale_min null eq { Y low high RANGEEDGES } { Y lat .get_scale_min lat .get_scale_max RANGEEDGES } ifelse Y low high RANGEEDGES exch lon (degree_east) unitconvert ndim RECHUNK exch lat exch 3 index X exch .Y fig: /color_smoothing null def /plotaxislength 432 def colors scatterlabel :fig datasetselectplotrange }
kc { (search) htmlprint }
kc { MD5_Init systemtime 3600 idiv 3600 mul s== MD5_Update (:) MD5_Update (dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093) MD5_Update MD5_Final string2hex }
kc { PS2 6 1 roll vectorcontour pop DoTasks }
kc { 2 copy exch cvx ( <tr valign="top"><td><em>) print dup cvntos 2 index /long_name known { pop long_name } { dup dup length dup 4 gt { 4 sub 4 getinterval (.cdf) eq } { pop pop false } ifelse { 0 1 index length 4 sub getinterval cvn } if } ifelse print htmlpathpush (</em>) print dup /standard_name getknown { cvntos == } if (</td><td>) print nice== htmlpathpop (<br /></td></tr> ) print }
kc { { { ntable 0 MATCH 1 1 } { 3 1 roll copyachunk 3 -1 roll 0 RECHUNK copyachunk 1 index .npts 1 } { 2 REORDER chunk pop 2 copy .npts exch .npts exch } } 3 index .nrdim get exec 2 integerarray astore datatsv3N }
kc { WWWinfo /User-Agent known { WWWinfo .User-Agent dup length 7 gt { 0 7 getinterval (Mozilla) ne } { pop true } ifelse } if }
kc { 0 allparentlinkcount astore pop mark 1 index follow counttomark array rastore nip rendercnt }
kc { PNM 4 1 roll autocontour pop DoTasks }
kc { dup 0 get length 1 index { length imin } forall 1 sub dup 0 ge { 0 countcommonbeginning0 nip } if }
kc { nptgrids dup { 2 copy ne { (<A href=") print 1 index .name /X eq name /Y eq and { ((XOVY)+null+def+) print } if 1 index .name ==ns (+) print name ==ns (+) print 2 index print (.ps">) print 1 index .name ==ns ( ) print name ==ns (</a>[) print 3 index 2 index 2 index 2 REORDER .nchunk ==ns (] ) print } if pop pop } forall2 pop }
kc { WWWinfo /digesterrorcode null put (Basic ) search { pop pop decodebase64 (:) search { nip checkauthorization } { pop false } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse }
kc { ParseDigestAuthentication { null false authorization-realms { nip username exch askldap dup /digesterrorcode WWWinfo ! 0 eq 4 2 roll pop pop dup not { leave } if } forall { checkMD5response dup /checkMD5R WWWinfo ! response eq { nonce Digest-nonce eq { WWWinfo .authorization-realms /DataLibraryAccess known { ValidUsers username cvn known dup not { 2 /digesterrorcode WWWinfo ! } if } { true } ifelse nip } { 6 /digesterrorcode WWWinfo ! pop false } ifelse } { 5 /digesterrorcode WWWinfo ! pop false } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse } { false } ifelse }
kc FORMwords
kc { mark exch DATASETbot ==noprintdataset { pop } forsome counttomark namearray astore nip namesort }
kc { PICT 4 1 roll colorscale pop DoTasks }
kc { true /expert? HTMLwords ! currentobject HTMLwords eq not { (/) redirectto flush stop } if }
kc { dataset type /objecttype eq { allparentlinkcount 0 get 7 lt { allparentlinkcount 0 get 1 add allparentlinkcount astore pop dataset allparentlinks1 allparentlinkcount 0 get 1 sub allparentlinkcount astore pop } { (<td>...</td>) print } ifelse } { dataset type /arraytype eq { dataset 0 get dup totype /datasettype eq { dataset null eq { /myproc getknown { length 1 eq } { false } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse { dataset 0 get (<td) print setallparentbgcolor (>) print .myproc 0 get cvntos print (</td>) print dataset 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval } { dataset } ifelse ifshortlink { 1 1 getinterval } if dup length 1 eq { 0 get allparentlinks1 } { (<td) print setallparentbgcolor (><table border>) print { (<tr>) print allparentlinks1 (</tr>) print } forall (</table></td>) print } ifelse } if } ifelse allparentlinks0 }
kc { dup /dataset_documentation.html known { true } { dup /dataset_documentation known } ifelse { true } { dup /dataset known { .dataset dup type /objecttype ne { pop false } { docavailable? } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { 1 index /selectname Ingrid: ! false /selectoptionfound Ingrid: ! (<select class="pageformcopy" name=") print exch dup type /namearraytype eq { dup 0 get cvntos print 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { (.) print cvntos print } forall } { cvntos print } ifelse (" > ) print }
kc { pop (</select> ) print }
kc { { { ntable 0 MATCH 1 1 1 } { ntable -2 roll copyachunk ntable -1 roll 0 RECHUNK copyachunk ntable -1 roll 0 RECHUNK copyachunk 2 index .npts 1 1 } { ntable -2 roll copyachunk ntable -1 roll copyachunk ntable -1 roll 0 RECHUNK copyachunk 2 index .npts 2 index .npts 1 } { ntable 1 sub REORDER chunk array astore aload { .npts } forall } } 4 index .nrdim get exec 3 integerarray astore datatsv4N }
kc { mimeheaderdata /ntable HTMLwords ! ntable 0 MATCH ntable NtoNaN ntable array astore dup dup 0 get .longname print dup length 1 gt { dup 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval { tab print .longname print } forall } if ( ) print aload pop 1 { datatsv datatsv2 datatsv3 datatsv4 datatsv5 datatsv6 datatsv7 datatsv8 datatsv9 datatsv10 } ntable 1 sub get exec DoTasks }
kc { (&) search { (=) search { cvn nip exch nullify pdefappend } { cvn true def } ifelse pop parseurlvars } { dup length 0 gt { (=) search { cvn nip exch nullify pdefappend } { cvn true def } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } ifelse }
kc { boundingboxc topict }
kc { PICT 4 1 roll plaincolorwithscale pop DoTasks }
kc 0 11 object 0 (OK) def 1 (No Such User) def 2 (user not authorized to access this dataset) def 3 (Digest password for user not yet set -- access not allowed) def 4 (dataset has no allowed access) def 5 (Bad Password) def 6 (Stale nonce) def 10 (Basic Authentication is not accepted -- must use a Browser than handles Digest Authentication) def
kc { PS2 5 1 roll plainvector pop DoTasks }
kc { PICT 6 1 roll vectoramplitude pop DoTasks }
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