grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (42E) to (51.975E) by 0.03749999 N= 267 pts :grid
grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (25.9875S) to (11.5125S) by 0.0375 N= 387 pts :grid
grid: /T (days since 1991-01-01) (365) periodic [ (1-10 Jan) (11-20 Jan) (21-31 Jan) (1-10 Feb) (11-20 Feb) (21-28 Feb) (1-10 Mar) (11-20 Mar) (21-31 Mar) (1-10 Apr) (11-20 Apr) (21-30 Apr) (1-10 May) (11-20 May) (21-31 May) (1-10 Jun) (11-20 Jun) (21-30 Jun) (1-10 Jul) (11-20 Jul) (21-31 Jul) (1-10 Aug) (11-20 Aug) (21-31 Aug) (1-10 Sep) (11-20 Sep) (21-30 Sep) (1-10 Oct) (11-20 Oct) (21-31 Oct) (1-10 Nov) (11-20 Nov) (21-30 Nov) (1-10 Dec) (11-20 Dec) (21-31 Dec)] :grid
Madagascar_v4 ALL dekadal climatologies rfe climatology[ X Y T |]
grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (42E) to (51.975E) by 0.03749999 N= 267 pts :grid
grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (25.9875S) to (11.5125S) by 0.0375 N= 387 pts :grid
fig: colors black thinnish countries_gaz :fig
/figgrids [ grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (42E) to (51.975E) by 0.03749999 N= 267 pts :grid grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (25.9875S) to (11.5125S) by 0.0375 N= 387 pts :grid ] def
/myfigobject fig: colors black thinnish countries_gaz :fig def
/figgridnames [ X Y ] def
/boundingbox [ 72 180 350.97668 552 ] def
/nlines 0 def
/figstreams [ Madagascar_v4 ALL dekadal climatologies rfe climatology[ X Y T |] ] def
/figstreamcount 0 def
/databbox [ 132 240 339 540 ] def
grid: /T (0101T0000) periodic (2359 30 Dec - 2359 10 Jan) to (0000 21 Dec - 0000 1 Jan) by 0.3333339 N= 36 pts :grid
{ convert0000to2400m1960 }
[ (0) (0) (0) (0) ( ) (21) ( ) (Dec) ( ) ( - ) (0) (0) ]